
Spring is in full swing and that means it’s time for us to address some yearly maintenance issues to keep your house running smoothly. Let’s dive in: 

  1. Gutters – Schedule a cleaning right after the pollen falls. The pollen (as much as we hate it) is the reawakening of the plants and with it comes lots of new organic material that can clog up those gutters.  

  2. Foundation – Do a quick visual check of your foundation walls looking for new or expanding cracks and places where water could be getting in.

  3. HVAC – If you aren’t already on a bi-annual service plan with your HVAC company, I suggest getting one. It will save you money for any other issues you may have and they call you to set up your spring and fall maintenance.

  4. Window Cleaning – Because it’s gorgeous out and you want to be able to see it without the grit and grime left behind from fall and winter, and now the spring pollen.

  5. Pressure Washing – Same as the windows, clean off that grime! It is amazing how much better your house will look post pressure washing. Fresh and sparkling!

  6. Roof Check – So often overlooked, yet the roof truly covers everything. A simple check to be sure there are no curling shingles or cracked caulking around vent stacks. If you are staying on it, a visual check can tell you enough.  If it has been a while, call a professional.

  7. Family Emergency Plan – Spring is a great time to review your family emergency plan. Have there been any changes to your family in the past year? New additions? New location? It’s important that everyone in the family knows what to do and how to reconnect in case of an emergency. As the kids get older, they can take on more responsibility with the plan. Like learning their address, knowing that if something happens everyone will meet at x location is essential planning.

  8. Leak/Caulk Check – Water can be super damaging to a house. Checking for leaks is the first step in prevention. Look underneath the sink and around the base of toilets, look at the washing machine and the hot water heater. Then check the caulk around sinks and tubs to see if any needs to be repaired.

  9. Trim Trees and Bushes Around House – As the new growth comes in, you want to make sure nothing is actually touching the house. Trim bushes back at least 6-12” off the house and trees/branches a minimum of 6’ off the roof.  

  10. Change Direction of Ceiling Fans and Check Screens – Check all your screens for holes and fit.  You want to be sure they will keep out the critters when you are enjoying the gorgeous weather! Also, be sure to have your fans turning counter-clockwise (as you look up at it) so it forces the air down on you producing the cooling effect. In the winter, you will reverse the direction so that it pulls air up to mix with the warm air that gathers at the ceiling.


Running your home can be overwhelming which is why we’re here to help. If any of these sounds like unachievable tasks for your schedule (or sanity!) get in touch today to see if hiring a Residential Concierge is right for you.


